COMING SOON: A Temple In Jerusalem! David Ben-Ariel With the birth of a red heifer in Israel, necessary for the purification of the priesthood according to the Levitical law, are we that much closer to the building of the Temple? (Numbers 19). This is the first time in 2,000 years that such a cow has been born in the Holy Land! Gershon Salomon, my good friend and chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful has been quoted by the Associated Press as saying: "The red heifer is one of the most important signs that we are living in a special time." As God's chosen people, we're to remain alert to the true significance behind world events - especially as they pertain to the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and affect "klal YIsrael" - all 12 Tribes of Israel. Would God have the Israelis construct the Third Temple? Must we wait until they're perfect before they even lay the Cornerstone? By those stringent standards of self-righteousness, Israel would've never constructed the Tabernacle in the wilderness! Nor would David have dreamt for his son to utilize Israel to build the Temple! God instructed them on how to go about fulfilling His Will in this regard, and they were willing - in spite of their sinfulness. Those Jews and their leaders who returned from Babylon and finally built the Temple - after being prodded by Haggai and Zechariah - were also far from perfect (Ezra 9:1). But it didn't stop GOD'S PLAN. God's Purpose goes forward regardless of the failings of men. Thank God! And mind you, such a new Temple would not simply be the "temple of the Jews," as some have slanderously reported. Rather, it would become a "House of Prayer for ALL nations" (Isa. 56:7). If some can understand how Ambassador Auditorium, a concert hall in California, could formerly serve as "God's House," how can they be so proud and stubborn and blind to not RECOGNIZE that God would place His Name where He always has: on the TEMPLE Mount! (Zech. 1:16). Quit making excuses! God says He'll accept the Temple, so shouldn't we? (Hag. 1:8). It ought to be understood that since GOD has restored Israel to the Land, Israel must build the Temple. After all, IT IS A COMMAND. "And let them make me a Sanctuary that I may dwell among them" (Ex. 25:8). The Temple serves as a unifying national symbol, a central focus for the knowledge and worship of the true God (Micah 4:2). It encourages us to remember to keep the festivals of our God, and to send representatives to Jerusalem to celebrate before the LORD (Deut. 16:16; Zech. 14:16). But how can Israel reclaim the Temple Mount without starting a war? Presently that most holy site is under a militant Muslim occupation that forcibly forbids any Jew or Christian from praying or reading the Bible there. This shameful situation continues despite the fact that Israel supposedly guarantees "freedom of access" to the religious sites of all. Israel's "leaders" continue to look the other way as religious discrimination dominates the Muslim's handling of the volatile situation. Israel must stop taking into "protective custody" those who seek to exercise their religious rights there, and instead REMOVE THE THREAT. I was arrested on Simchat Torah (the Last Great Day) in 1995 to protect me from the mad Muslims! As written in a letter I had published in the Jerusalem Post: "The Temple Mount is not in our hands, because it is not in our hearts and minds. This is to the shame of our political and religious leaders. I doubt that Jews prayed for 2,000 years to return to Zion and pray at a wall." Of course, on an individual level we must welcome God into our personal lives, to find a loving home (Isa. 66:1-2). But on a NATIONAL LEVEL, on a physical plane, we need a physical building to serve as the "Embassy of the Eternal." Mr. Armstrong asked whether Christ would return to a non-existent throne, knowing full well David's throne continues to this day, as prophesied. In the same sense, we should ask: WILL CHRIST BE HOMELESS? Mr. Armstrong began to touch upon spiritual things that even he didn't fully understand, but he recorded it for us in his autobiography. He wrote that there is a "PHYSICAL PREPARING, as well as spiritual, in preparing the way for Messiah's coming!" (emphasis mine, Autobiography of HWA., Vol. II, pg. 470). The vast majority in God's Church still don't get it! Why haven't any of the Church leaders taught this? Why do they attempt to ignore it? We need to understand that part of the prophesied physical preparation is 1) the return of a significant number of Jews to Jerusalem and Israel, representative of all 12 tribes, and 2) their literal clearing of the way (by reclaiming the land), that will ultimately result in the restoration of the Temple Mount as the TEMPLE Mount, culminating in Messiah's Coming! (Isa. 62:10). Those zealous for God's House set an example for everyone else to follow, and help direct our energies and attention where it belongs! (Jer. 50:50). We must help God's Church and Israel to "PREPARE TO MEET YOUR GOD!" (Amos 4:12). Mr. Armstrong wrote in a Good News article that it was significant that he was of the House of David and made reference to Zechariah 12:8. He expressed a desire to spend more time in Jerusalem. And he will - at the resurrection! But meanwhile another converted descendant of David must fulfill that vital role. The leading spokesman between the Two Witnesses will hail from David's Royal House. In the mighty spirit of Elijah he'll identify the Messiah to Israel and introduce Him to Judah (Isa. 40:2,9). That involves far more than producing television programs for outside Christian consumption! It requires an INSIDE JOB to take place in Zion and on and near the Temple Mount! (Joel 2:1). GOD - not some Church official - will soon SEND His apostle to the Middle East! (Isa. 41:27; 52:7). The Two Witnesses have a burning desire to see Jerusalem fulfill her calling (Isa. 62:1). They won't rest their case until they've won (Isa. 62:6-7). A dedicated few cleansed the Temple Mount during the days of the Macabbees. (Hanukkah commemorates their miracalous victory. Jesus kept the "Feast of Dedication" - John 10:22). They didn't wait for every last Jew to repent before they acted upon their convictions. They put their faith into practice - and GOD WAS WITH THEM! After they took action, others joined with them and rallied to the cause (Dan. 11:32). That was God's Work in those days. Jewish spiritual survival was at stake! The occupying enemy forces, in league with Jewish traitors, were bent on destroying what truth God had preserved among Judah. The Sabbath, circumcision, dietary laws and other embers of divine revelation were banned upon penalty of death! The Temple itself was polluted with pig's blood and an idol! Thankfully, a holy remnant, "Gideon's army," the Macabbees, rose up and fought back! They saved the nation, cleansed the Temple, and enabled Christ to later appear there on time (Malachi 3:1). Jesus' presence gave it a GREATER GLORY than Solomon's Temple ever enjoyed! (Hag. 2:9). And the Second Temple was only prophesied in one place. Isaiah spoke of Cyrus - an unlikely, pagan Gentile (Isa. 44:28; 45:9) - whom nevertheless GOD would raise up for this purpose (and who are we to question His wisdom?). We have several strong indications, if we'll only believe what the Bible says, that there will be a Temple in Jerusalem before Christ. Satan, in his insane jealousy, will move his counterfeit king of kings, Europe's last emperor, to take up residence where he ought not (Mk. 13:14). The pope, Europe's false prophet, will help install him in the Holy of Holies (2 Thes.2:4; Dan. 11:45). The pope doesn't claim to be God; he'll prepare the way and proclaim Europe's EMPEROR as divine! (Ezek. 28:2). He's the Catholic "Elijah." The Bible labels him the false prophet, not the false Christ. The true prophets of God, in the spirit of Elijah, will meet them head on in Jerusalem! The Two Witnesses' testimony before a world court will sound throughout the universe! They'll be bold as lions and braver than the Maccabees! Meanwhile, we should wholeheartedly support the Biblical efforts of those dedicated to building the Temple and physically preparing for Messiah's Coming (Isa. 62:1). We must encourage Jerusalem: "You shall be built; and to the Temple, Your foundation shall be laid" (Isa. 44:28), and join with those faithful Jews who herald the Headstone's arrival (Hos. 11:12; Zech. 4:7). Yes, "He which testifies these things says, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Rev. 22:20).